3 things to remember during an unexpected pregnancy

Experiencing an unexpected pregnancy can be a lot to handle. Your mind is probably racing with a hundred different thoughts and worries. The plan you had for your life might feel like it’s suddenly falling apart. Whatever you are feeling is completely normal. 

Here are three helpful things to be reminded of to give some emotional relief, hope, and confidence as you navigate this unexpected pregnancy.

3 things to remember when you find out you’re pregnant

1. Know there is no right timing

Maybe you’re in high school or maybe you’re already a mom, no matter where you are at in life unexpected situations arise…and they always seem to happen at the most inconvenient times. We can try to prepare for the future, but most of the time there is no “right timing.” 

Maybe you don’t feel ready to handle this pregnancy. Perhaps you feel inadequate, or maybe you just don’t want the responsibility. Either way it’s okay to be overwhelmed by the thought of this sudden change. You don’t have to be overcome by this feeling.  

Remind yourself: “Just because I feel anxious at this moment, doesn’t mean I will always feel this way or it will be like this forever.”

It’s okay to just take it one day at a time. One hour at a time.

2. It’s okay to rewrite the narrative

We all have our own unique plans and direction we are moving towards in life. Plans and dreams are good! But sometimes the direction of our plans takes a turn we didn’t give it permission to. 

Life has a way of holding the most beautiful things down a path we never saw ourselves going down. It produces strength, resilience, and purpose.  

Sometimes we have to mourn the story we have written for our futures to make room for a different story. A new, unknown story, but a story just as beautiful. 

If you are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, you might be asking yourself, “How will this impact my plans? What will I lose if I take this path?”  Take the time to sit quietly with yourself and journal out your thoughts and emotions to get a good understanding of what your life might look like now. Think through both pros and cons. Write down ways you might be able to fit this new unexpected situation into your narrative and plans.

3. You need a trusted support system

It can be tempting to try to navigate an unexpected pregnancy alone.  

You might be wondering “What will my friends and family think? Will my partner/family/friends be there for me? Do I have the support I need both practically and emotionally?” These are all valid questions. 

To find the support you need during this time, think through the people in your life. Try to identify people you feel comfortable talking to and leaning on for support, even if it’s just one person.  If you don’t feel like you have the support you need in your life, our Care Net of Puget Sound staff is ready to walk this journey with you. They can offer you compassionate support and real answers to all your pregnancy questions. Schedule a free appointment today.

Get the support and answers you need

If you have questions about pregnancy options and what resources are available to you, make a free appointment with our client advocates today. We would love to talk through your concerns and worries with you. Get the support you need so you can make a pregnancy decision with confidence. 

You are not alone. 

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