About Smart Programs
Smart Programs offers no-cost, research-based relationship education for youth and schools in the Puget Sound area.
Since 1999, we have educated over 229,000 students on sexual health, how to build healthy relationships, sex trafficking and much more!
To learn more about our presentations, click here. All our curriculum is both scientifically and medically accurate and consistent with current Washington state health and physical education K-12 learning standards.
Providing research-based education that places students on a path toward optimal health.

Where We Present
We offer free presentations all throughout Tacoma, Seattle and the greater Puget Sound area. Our presentations are suited for public and private schools, youth groups, summer camps, and more.
What are teens saying about sex? Download our free fact sheet below
- Recall existing knowledge and personal experiences related to sexual health risks and identify available resources
- Identify cultural and social influences on teens’ attitudes and behaviors related to sex
- Compare the reasons for choosing to have sex versus choosing to wait
- Explain why abstinence (sexual risk avoidance) is the only guaranteed way to prevent the transmission of STDs
- Describe dangers of untreated STDs including pain, sterility, and damage to organs
- Discuss who is at risk for HIV/AIDS, and explain how to prevent its transmission, characteristics of the disease, and where to access HIV information, testing, and treatment
- Describe basic reproductive facts and terminology (including anatomy) related to fertilization and the early stages of pregnancy.
- Support claim that teenage pregnancy adversely affects social life, relationships, finances, employment, educational goals
- Describe parents’ roles, responsibilities, and challenges as well as how teen parentage impacts a child’s health and well-being
- Summarize adoption services as an option for unplanned pregnancy and the laws pertaining to “Safe Delivery of Newborns”
- Identify birth control methods and explain how they work
- Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of methods of birth control
- Create a plan to avoid the risk of pregnancy
- Identify characteristics of unhealthy and (physically, emotionally, or sexually) abusive relationships and know how to seek help
- Define sexual assault and identify strategies to protect our communities from it
- Explain WA laws related to sexual activity (sexual assault, sexting, consent) and how they apply to teens’ relationships
- Identify and apply strategies for avoiding and leaving risky situations and relationships
- Discuss how to define relational expectations & set personal boundaries.
- Apply the benefits of abstinence to all dating relationships, including those who have been sexually active
- Compare and contrast love, infatuation, and sexual desire
- Summarize characteristics of healthy relationships
- Identifying the impacts and signs of sex trafficking globally and within our community.
- Education on the warning signs of trafficking and teaching preventive measures.
- Equipping resources to protect those at risk.
What Students Are Saying
Meet Our Team
Our presenters are passionate about investing in and encouraging teens to make healthy life choices. Each presenter goes through extensive training to equip them to engage young people. Feel free to reach out to one of our team members any time by emailing smartprograms@carenetps.org.
Smart is a program of Care Net of Puget Sound, a non-profit providing compassionate practical care to women since 1982.