There is hope after abortion. Begin healing today.
Your experience with an abortion may be different, but your experience matters. Studies show the majority of men experience a negative impact from their abortion experience. You may…
We help men and couples heal from the grief of a past abortion.
We offer one-on-one, weekend workshops, and weekly support groups.
Send us a private email or text/call us directly at 425-274-3652.
Begin a journey toward wholeness, freedom, and peace.
It’s never too late to begin.
Contact Us
Jim Whitman
Jim has been serving with Healing Tide for over 4 years. Moved by the stories of transformation and healing he's experienced firsthand, Jim was drawn into serving men struggling with past abortions through Healing Tide.
Jim is passionate about sharing with other men the healing available to them through the ministry of Healing Tide.
Reach out to Jim directly at 425-274-3652. or through email.